Two little Boston Terrier girls bring their Momo & Mr.Momo to Paris for a long stay. These are the tales of their very fine adventures.


Getting to Paris

Lulu and Phoebe (L&P) demonstrate what it takes to get to Paris from California. First, pack every single toy and good chewie. Next, pack your finest tee shirts and sweaters and don’t forget the raincoats because it rains in Paris. Then, make sure you have gobs of your own food, some treats, and a few favorite blankies. If there is room left over, momo and dad can pack a few of their own things.


Anonymous said...

Hi, I'm planning on traveling to France with my dog in July. Did you have to get a pet passport, microchip and "PetBest" Rabbies certification for your dogs to travel? Or did the rabbies & health certificates suffice?


Lisa Stander-Horel said...

France, unlike the UK is easy. You don't need a passport. You do need a rabies within one year, a health certificate from the vet and then signed by the requisite FDA person in your region. That was easy too. Just a small fee. Depending on how long you will be in France, you might need a health certificate to bring back with you. We did. Got one from a Vet in Paris.

No one even asked about the dogs because they were in carriers when we went through customs. Only the airline asked for the health certificate. Good luck! And enjoy. France is great with dogs. You can take them on the metro, into brasseries, stores, many restaurants. Just not food stores or the Green Pharm.

Lisa Stander-Horel said...

Oh, and one more thing. For the latest, check the embassy's website on bringing animals into France. It will have the forms for you to print and also any new info since we were there last.